Game Rules-Sic Bo

Sic Bo also known as big and small. The gameplay basically is guessing how the dice are going to end up. This a popular game as it offers a variety of betting options and attractive odds.

How to win:
In order to win, the bet placed by the player must match with the outcomes of rolling 3-dice.

How to place bet & Betting Odds:
1. At the beginning of a new round, you may place your bet based on your choices.
2. When the bet timer reaches 0, the Dealer will press the button to punch the ‘Dice Shaker’ to roll the dices with the puncher.
3. After the dice rested, the Dealer will key-in the winning dices number and the interface will show with the winning bets and odds with lights to determine the game result.
4. If any of the dices is slanting or leaned in the jar or any of the dices is resting on top of another dices, the game is considered as a void game. All the bets will be refunded to the player and a new game will continue.

Game Rules:
Place the chip on the different sections of the betting area, and each section represents a possible combination of dice. You can place on any slots. However, there is a time limit for placing bets.

Betting Odds:

Big/Small Big: Total sum points from 11 to 17. Small: Total sum points from 4 to 10. (When any ‘Triple’ dices is drawn, betting on Big and Small is considered as losing bet) 1 :1
Straight “Triple” One of the specific “Triple” identical dices 1 :150
Any “Triple” Any of the “Triple” identical dices from the group of six “Triple” 1 :24

Bet on a single number:

Single Dice The specific number appears on one dice 1 : 1
Double Dice The specific number appears on two dices 1 : 2
Triple Dice The specific number appears on all three dices
Double The specific number appears on two dices (e.g.: double 1), at least two of the dice will land on the chosen number 1 : 8
Two Dice Combination The combination of two specific dice, there are 15 possible combinations (e.g.: 1, 2) 1 : 5

Total sum combination of 3 dices:

4 or 17 points Total sum combination of 4 or 17 1 : 50
5 or 16 points Total sum combination of 5 or 16 1 : 18
6 or 15 points Total sum combination of 6 or 15 1 : 14
7 or 14 points Total sum combination of 7 or 14 1 : 12
8 or 13 points Total sum combination of 8 or 13 1 : 8
9, 10, 11 or 12 points Total sum combination of 9, 10, 11 or 12 1 : 6

Total sum combination of 3 dices:

Odd Total sum combination of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 1 : 1
Even Total sum combination of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 1 : 1

1. There is minimum and maximum bet limit for the game and also personal bet limit. Player may place bet according to the personal limit. However, the player must meet the minimum bet limit of the gameplay. If you need adjust the personal limit, kindly contact our Customer Service.
2. When the dealer dealing cards, there is certain occasion the system is not able to read the situation, therefore the dealer will rescan until the system can completely read the situation (If error occurs, all relevant bets/odds will be cancelled).
3. In the case of wrong calculation, recalculation will be done according to the actual video.